Matchpointministries.com |
MatchPoint Ministries investing in one HEART, one LIFE at a time. |
Whether an individual , business, church or foundation
we invite you to join our Match Point Ministries Home
Team by choosing one of the Grand Slam Partnership
opportunities below:
@ $25.00 A gift of $25.00 dollars provides 1 Spiritually Tough Tennis DVD and 1 Athlete’s Bible to one of our Spiritually Tough Scholarship recipients.
@ $50.00 A gift of $50.00 provides a Spiritually Tough Package (1 Spiritually Tough DVD, 1 FCA Athlete’s Bible, and a 1 day scholarship to Spiritually Tough Tennis Camp).
@ $75.00 A gift of $75.00 encourages hundreds of families with our Match Point Ministries monthly digital e-mail newsletter.
@ $100.00 A gift of $100.00 gives a person a Spiritually Tough Tennis Lesson or participation in our Annual Tennis Marathon. This donation also could provides a two day Scholarship to Spiritually Tough Tennis Camp
@ $150.00 A gift of $150.00 gives a person a copy of Spiritually Tough DVD and two VIP seats at our Annual Prayer Breakfast or provides a three day scholarship to Spiritually Tough Tennis Camp
@ $250.00 A gift of $250.00 gives a person a copy Spiritually Tough DVD, two VIP seats at our Annual Prayer Breakfast ; participation in Annual Tennis Marathon and allows one student to attend Spiritually Tough Tennis Camp for 1 week. Also, provides daily Spiritually Tough Tennis Tips on the Good Sports Magazine Radio Show throughout South Florida and worldwide online via website.
@ $500.00 A gift of $500.00 provides Spiritually Tough Tennis Tips and Match Point Ministries features daily for one week of broadcasting the Good Sports Magazine show heard throughout the state of Florida and worldwide via the website.
@ $1000.00 A gift of $1,000 provides insurance and 1 month of expenses for our Pro Tennis Outreach and traveling tennis chapel to local tournaments in Southern Florida.
Our success depends on each Match Point Ministries
• Praying for the MPM Ministries
• Providing financial support
• Promoting MPM locally and inviting others to attend
our special events, play in our Christian Tennis
Leagues, support the golf and tennis marathons and
participate in the summer Christian Tennis Camps
• Invite others to join our Match Point Tennis Ministry
“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others
will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
Match Point Ministries is a 501 (c) (3)
not-for-profit organization. Your donation is
tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Donations
to MPM will fund the tennis ministry in South Florida.
We are excited to share our passion for tennis and
faith. Our tennis ministry encourages, teaches and
impacts strong character and values in coaches and
athletes so that they will be a positive influence in
sports and society. Making a difference, one HEART, one
LIFE at a time. Let’s serve ‘em up some aces for the
Lord!! |
more info.... |
Proposal Rate Card for Sponsorship |
GraceFM & Good Sports Magazine Show partnership levels:
@ $400.00 per month Teammate 2-:30 or 1-:60 second spots per week (1x per hour) – 8x per month
Show airs live every Sunday night from 7-8pm ET
1-:10 second billboard per week as feature sponsor for show segment (4x per month)
Web site logo and link on ‘Good Sports’ show page.
@ $650.00 per month–Official Feature Teammate
4-:30 or 2-:60 second spots per week —16x per month
1-:10 second billboards per week as a feature sponsor
1-editorial interview per month (3-5:00 with athlete/coach/sports executive/ charity event director)
Web Site logo and link on ‘Good Sports’ show page
Promoted in all Social Media for Good Sports Magazine Show via Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.
Mentioned in all weekly digital Email blasts promoting Good Sports to listener database
@ $1000.00 per month–Presenting Sponsor Teammate
6-:30 or 3-:60 second second spots per week—24x per month
2-:10 second show billboards per week as a Presenting show sponsor
2-editorial interviews per month (3-5:00 with athlete/coach/sports executive/ charity event director)
Web Site logo and link on as presenting teammate on Good Sports’ show page
Mention in minimum 20x run of station show promos on Grace FM from 6am to 12 midnite
Mention in all press releases and promotional print materials as Presenting Sponsor
Promoted in all Social Media for Good Sports Magazine Show via Facebook; Twitter; MySpace.
Included in weekly digital Email blasts promoting Good Sports to listener database
@ $1,500.00 per month– Title Sponsor Teammate
8-:30s or 4-:60 second spots per week —32x per month
4-:10 second show billboards per week as a Title sponsor
Minimum of 6 mentions adjacent to all show breaks as Title Sponsor of Good Sports
3- editorial interviews per month (3-5:00 with athlete/coach/sports executive/charity event director)
Web Site logo and link on as Title Sponsor on Good Sports’ show page
Mention in minimum 20x run of station show promos on Grace FM from 6am to 12 midnite
Mention in all press releases, printed promotional materials marketing for show as Title Sponsor.
Promoted in all Social Media for Good Sports Magazine Show via Facebook; Twitter; MySpace.
Included as Title Sponsor with logo in all weekly digital Email blasts to listener database
One live Remote Package at sponsor’s function or event. ($500 value) Includes Good Sports
personality and guests to host the remote live on Grace FM will also include all equipment costs,
Grace FM Scion, Give–a-ways and Prizes, and music…
Discounted Agreement opportunities also available at 13, 26 and 52 week levels
Remote packages available at events and special functions at $500 per hour.
This is a proposal for illustrative purposes only. Receipt of a signed GraceFM Underwriting (original copy) is the
only form that engages underwriting on GraceFM. This proposal is not a GraceFM Underwriting Agreement.
This is a confidential proposal only to be shared between the named organizations on cover page. |